Answering service
If there are a lot of calls, agents are ill or the company is having a work shop day, it is good to be able to turn to our award winning office phone system answering service.

As professional as if you were doing it yourself
We answer in your name, in accordance with your manuscript and according to the instructions you stipulate. Our telephonists have access to precisely the same information about your employees and the same telephonist interface as you have yourself. It consequently enables us to provide equally effective and professional reception as you would have done yourself. We can take care of all management of your calls or a certain proportion. Regardless of what needs there are, we have a solution.
Answering service on your terms
Choose which information we should give to callers, whether we should connect calls and to which number. Choose whether you want us to connect directly, or announce the calls before they are put through, if you want to have notifications and in which way.
"With answering service, we have gained insight into how many calls we actually miss."
With answering service as a fallback, you get a chance to capture the conversations you do not have time for while you get insights on how many calls you would have, otherwise missed.
Complete attendant service
With our personal answering service, you get extra reinforcement on your exchange numbers. Never miss a call again.
Information in real time
The agents can see information about your employees in real time. In this way, no calls will be connected to people who are busy.
One supplier - one invoice
Avoid the extra work of having several different providers for telephony services. With Dstny you get everything in one and the same invoice.

Never miss an important call again
Today customers expect a rapid response and a good service. Companies which deliver that are consequently more profitable and have more satisfied customers. We help out when time is short and you are not able to do it yourself. And we answer round the clock, all year round, so that you can focus on and prioritise something else without needing to worry about missed calls.
Four benefits of the answering service
- Complete attendant service
- Never miss a call
- Your customers receive a personal and professional treatment
- Real-time information about your employees
- Integrated with your corporate exchange
- Easy to change in one interface
- Everything on your terms
- One supplier – an invoice
Frequently asked questions about Answering service
The fact that answering service is integrated with the exchange means that our attendants have access to the same information as your own employees. Inputed status referrals are therefore visible to the attendant, so he or she does not link a call to a person who is, for example, sick, on vacation or busy.
There are various price plans for our answering service. If you have a slightly higher monthly cost, each call made will be cheaper. This suits companies that have many calls that goes to the answering service. You can also choose to have a lower monthly cost, then the calls instead cost a little more. This pricing model is suitable if you expect that there will be few calls going to the answering service.
We have seen that companies on average miss 18% of their incoming calls. It is therefore 18% of potential customers who were not helped, who may not have completed their purchase or might turn to a competitor. By using an answering service, you will never miss an important call again. It pays off!
You can choose what the agents will answer when they handle your calls to suit your company’s brand and tone of voice. Our professional attendants have access to the same information as your own staff, thus providing professional and effective response.
We provide information on how work progresses in real time. You can therefore continuously see how many calls are forwarded to answering service.
Calls to an answering service that lasts longer than 1 minute is considered a customer service call. The price for the extra time is 50 öre per second unless otherwise agreed.
Kärt barn har många namn. Telefonpassning och svarsservice är bara två olika benämningar på samma tjänst. Båda betyder att ett externt företag svarar på telefonsamtal som ni själva inte hinner eller kan svara på. De svarar med ert företagsnamn och enligt ett manus som ni har angett. På så sätt så vet kunden aldrig att det är ett annat företag som svarar.
Vi har olika pris-upplägg för vår svarsservice. Priset beror på hur många samtal man förväntas skicka vidare till telefonisterna. Våra rådgivare kan hjälpa dig att ta fram ett förslag som passar just ditt företags önskemål. Fyll i dina kontaktuppgifter i formuläret längst ner på sidan för att få hjälp att ta fram ett prisförslag. Självklart är en offert helt kostnadsfri och förutsättningslös.
Get in touch with us
Our competent sales representatives will be happy to contact you and help you with your specific needs, or you may call us at 010-410 51 30 to speak to an advisor directly.
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