Calendar Sync

It's easy to forget to set your presence when entering a meeting. It's just as easy to forget to put yourself back as available once the meeting is over. With our service, Calendar Sync, this will happen automatically.
Kalenderkoppling - calendar sync

Let your calendar work together with the PBX

With the Calendar Sync service, the PBX will cooperate with your calendar. As soon as you have a planned event in your calendar, where your status is set as busy, you will also be referred as busy in the PBX. When the calendar event has expired, your PBX connection will automatically be set as available again.

If you have a calendar entry planned, where you want to be reachable, you set your status to available in the calendar, then calls will reach you as usual.

"Who is at lunch at 4 o'clock in the afternoon? Could he have forgotten his referral perhaps?"

Have your calendar control your phone, it is easy to forget to refer yourself, and perhaps even more difficult to remember to make yourself available again.
Ikon - hand användare

Provide perfect service

Having the person calling automatically receive information about your availability means that you always provide the right expectations.
Ikon - klocka

Always correctly referred

Schedule future meetings and events in the calendar and have the system refer you automatically.
Ikon mobil

Use optional unit

It doesn’t matter which unit you choose to use when you add meetings, the functionality is the same.

Extra functionality in Softphone

If you also have the Softphone service, a small calendar icon will appear on your contact card, when you have a scheduled calendar entry. You can also click on the icon to get more information about the calendar entry.


Keep track of your colleagues

By ensuring that you and your colleagues always have a relevant referral in the PBX, you can avoid calls being connected to people who are busy or calling people during important meetings.


Works on all devices

It does not matter if you use PC/Mac, iPhone Android or tablet. The service works with all devices.

Technical prerequisites


Outlook Calendar

Exchange servers that are needed for the service to function are Exchange 2007, 2010 and Office 365. You also need a public EWS address that is set to basic authentication.

Google Calendar

For the service to function, a user is required with whom everybody shares their calendar.

Frequently asked questions about Calendar Sync

No, not all calendar entries will be affected. Only the calendar entries where you have selected the busy status will refer you as busy in the PBX.

Yes, as soon as your meeting is over, you will be available again in your PBX. That way you will never have to, by mistake, be referred to as in a meeting an entire day because you forgot to change your referral. The PBX also knows when people are about to enter a meeting so that the carrier does not divert calls to a person who will attend a meeting in a few minutes.

Yes, you can make manual changes to change your referral. These manual changes always take precedence over the shortcuts that are made in the calendar.

Get in touch with us

Our competent sales representatives will be happy to contact you and help you with your specific needs, or you may call us at 010-410 51 30 to speak to an advisor directly.

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